Interface TemporalSpan

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public interface TemporalSpan
extends Text

Representation of a temporal object found in text. TemporalSpans are often associated with time Entity objects, but systems should not depend on that. For a reference on the temporal standard, see the temporal site at MITRE.

Toby Jungen

Field Summary
static AnnotationType<TemporalSpan> TYPE
Method Summary
 String getAnchorDirection()
          Returns the anchor direction of the temporal object (optional).
 String getAnchorValue()
          Returns the anchor value of the temporal object (optional).
 String getModifier()
          Returns the modifier of the temporal object (optional).
 String getValue()
          Returns the time value of the temporal object (optional).
 Boolean isMultiple()
          Returns whether this temporal object is part of a set (optional).
Methods inherited from interface com.languagecomputer.api.text.Text
getAnnotationType, getCongruentAnnotations, getDocument, getDocumentID, getEndCharOffset, getIntersectingAnnotations, getRawString, getStartCharOffset, getSubAnnotations, getSuperAnnotations

Field Detail


static final AnnotationType<TemporalSpan> TYPE
Method Detail


String getValue()
Returns the time value of the temporal object (optional). Time values are represented using an extended version of the ISO 8601 standard. Implementors that choose not to provide the value should return null.

The time value, or null if this functionality isn't implemented.


String getModifier()
Returns the modifier of the temporal object (optional). The modifier is a normalized representation of temporal modifiers such as "before", "after", or "during". See the temporal standard for possible values. Implementors that choose not to provide the modifier should return null.

The modifier, or null if this functionality isn't implemented.


Boolean isMultiple()
Returns whether this temporal object is part of a set (optional). Set exprssions denote recurring or ongoing events (e.g. "every year", "the past two days") Implementors that choose not to provide the set value should return null.

True if this temporal object is a set expression, false if not, or null if this functionality isn't implemented.


String getAnchorValue()
Returns the anchor value of the temporal object (optional). If the temporal expression represented by this temporal object is a relative value, then the anchor value denotes the time point the expression is relative to. Also represented in the ISO 8601 standard. Implementors that choose not to provide the anchor value should return null.

The anchor value, or null if this functionality isn't implemented.


String getAnchorDirection()
Returns the anchor direction of the temporal object (optional). Denotes the how the relative temporal expression represented by the value is related to the anchor value. See the temporal standard for possible values. Implementors that choose not to provide the anchor direction should return null.

The anchor direction, or null if this functionality isn't implemented.

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