Interface Service

All Known Subinterfaces:
AnnotationMetaService, AnnotationService, AnswerExtractionService, AnswerFusionService, AttributeService, CoreferenceService, DocumentRetrievalService, DocumentService, DossierService, EntityService, EventService, IndexService, QAService, QuestionAnsweringService, QuestionAnswerPairService, QuestionProcessingService, SpatialService, SummarizationService, TemporalService
All Known Implementing Classes:
AnnotationMetaServiceWebClient, AnswerExtractionServiceWebClient, AnswerFusionServiceWebClient, AttributeServiceWebClient, BaseWebClient, CoreferenceServiceWebClient, DefaultAnnotationMetaService, DefaultQuestionAnsweringMetaService, DocumentRetrievalServiceWebClient, DocumentServiceWebClient, EntityServiceWebClient, EventServiceWebClient, IndexServiceWebClient, QuestionAnsweringServiceWebClient, QuestionProcessingServiceWebClient, SpatialServiceWebClient, TemporalServiceWebClient

public interface Service

Base representation of a service to provide common functionality accross services.

The Service interface is used by the Session to call the #setProperties(Properties).

Additionally, services may optionally have a static initializer using the following method signature:

   public static void initService(java.util.Properties properties);
If this method exists on the service, then the Session will (reflectively) call it upon creation.

Kirk Roberts

Method Summary
 String getName()
          Returns the name of this Service.
 void setSession(Session session)
          Sets the Session this Service instance is associated with.

Method Detail


String getName()
Returns the name of this Service. For annotation services, this should be the same name added to the service list on processed Documents. The convention should be that the name starts with the service interface's name, then contains additional qualifiers using ::. So for example, a dummy DocumentService could use the name DocumentService::Dummy.


void setSession(Session session)
Sets the Session this Service instance is associated with. Properties can be retrieved with Session.getProperties().

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