Package com.languagecomputer.api

Interface Summary
AnnotationMetaService A meta-Service that processes a single Document with a given list of other Services.
AnnotationMetaWebService Interface for annotation meta web service.
AnnotationService A Service that processes a single Document, attaching Text annotations.
AnswerExtractionService Service capable of extracting Answers for a Query from a set of Documents.
AnswerExtractionWebService Interface for answer extraction web service.
AnswerFusionService Service capable of fusing Answers for a Query from a set of already-extracted Answers.
AnswerFusionWebService Interface for answer fusion web service.
AttributeService Attribute recognition service.
AttributeWebService Interface for attribute annotation web service.
BaseWebService Base interface for web service operations.
CoreferenceService Coreference service.
CoreferenceWebService Interface for coreference annotation web service.
DocumentRetrievalService Service capable of retrieving Documents given some Query.
DocumentRetrievalWebService Interface for document retrieval web service.
DocumentService Raw document processing service.
DocumentWebService Interface for document preprocessing web service.
DossierService Dossier service.
DossierWebService Interface for dossier web service.
EntityService Named entity recognition service.
EntityWebService Interface for named entitiy annotation web service.
EventService Event recognition service.
EventWebService Interface for event annotation web service.
IndexService Document indexing service.
IndexWebService Interface for indexing web service.
QAService Meta-service that provides end-to-end question answering capability.
QuestionAnsweringService A Service that finds Answers to a question or Query.
QuestionAnsweringWebService Interface for question answering web service.
QuestionAnswerPairService Question/answer generation service.
QuestionAnswerPairWebService Interface for question/answer pair annotation web service.
QuestionProcessingService Service capable of transforming a question String into some other query representation(s).
QuestionProcessingWebService Interface for question processing web service.
Service Base representation of a service to provide common functionality accross services.
SpatialService Spatial entity recognition service.
SpatialWebService Interface for spatial information annotation web service.
SummarizationService Summarization service.
SummarizationWebService Interface for summarization web service.
TemporalService Temporal entity recognition service.
TemporalWebService Interface for temporal information annotation web service.

Class Summary
AnnotationMetaServiceWebClient Web service client wrapper for the AnnotationMetaService.
AnnotationMetaWebServiceImpl Implementation of AnnotationMetaWebService.
AnswerExtractionServiceWebClient Web service client wrapper for the AnswerExtractionService.
AnswerExtractionWebServiceImpl Implementation of AnswerExtractionWebService.
AnswerFusionServiceWebClient Web service client wrapper for the AnswerFusionService.
AnswerFusionWebServiceImpl Implementation of AnswerFusionWebService.
AttributeServiceWebClient Web service client wrapper for the AttributeService.
AttributeWebServiceImpl Implementation of AttributeWebService.
BaseAnnotationWebServiceImpl Generic implementation of a BaseWebServiceImpl for annotation-based services.
BaseWebClient<T extends BaseWebService> Base web client wrapper for the services.
BaseWebServiceImpl Implementation of web service operations.
CoreferenceServiceWebClient Web service client wrapper for the CoreferenceService.
CoreferenceWebServiceImpl Implementation of CoreferenceWebService.
DefaultAnnotationMetaService Default implementation of the AnnotationMetaService.
DefaultQuestionAnsweringMetaService Meta-QuestionAnsweringService that is implemented in terms of the other question-answering services: QuestionProcessingService, DocumentRetrievalService, AnswerExtractionService, and AnswerFusionService.
DocumentRetrievalServiceWebClient Web service client wrapper for the DocumentRetrievalService.
DocumentRetrievalWebServiceImpl Implementation of DocumentRetrievalWebService.
DocumentServiceWebClient Web service client wrapper for the DocumentService.
DocumentWebServiceImpl Implementation of DocumentWebService.
DossierWebServiceImpl Implementation of DossierWebService.
EntityServiceWebClient Web service client wrapper for the EntityService.
EntityWebServiceImpl Implementation of EntityWebService.
EventServiceWebClient Web service client wrapper for the EventService.
EventWebServiceImpl Implementation of EventWebService.
IndexServiceWebClient Web service client wrapper for the IndexService.
IndexWebServiceImpl Implementation of IndexWebService.
QuestionAnsweringServiceWebClient Web service client wrapper for the QuestionAnsweringService.
QuestionAnsweringWebServiceImpl Implementation of QuestionAnsweringWebService.
QuestionAnswerPairWebServiceImpl Implementation of QuestionAnswerPairWebService.
QuestionProcessingServiceWebClient Web service client wrapper for the QuestionProcessingService.
QuestionProcessingWebServiceImpl Implementation of QuestionProcessingWebService.
ServiceConfig Maintains the URLs to use for various services.
Session Session responsible for maintaining state and access to various services.
SessionManager Session manager for accessing and creating Sessions that may be used to interact with LCC's natural language services.
SpatialServiceWebClient Web service client wrapper for the SpatialService.
SpatialWebServiceImpl Implementation of SpatialWebService.
SummarizationWebServiceImpl Implementation of SummarizationWebService.
TemporalServiceWebClient Web service client wrapper for the TemporalService.
TemporalWebServiceImpl Implementation of TemporalWebService.

Exception Summary
InvalidLicenseException Exception thrown to indicate an issue with licensing.
ServerException Generic Exception for wrapping Throwables that occur on the server.

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