
Customizable, Open-Domain Information Extraction

Language Computer's CiceroCustom provides customizable, open-domain information extraction for entities, attributes, relationships, and events in English, Chinese, and Arabic.


In today's world, the need for sophisticated, reliable, and accurate information extraction is greater than ever. Unlike information retrieval systems, information extraction systems - like LCC's CiceroCustom - deliver value from texts by automatically identifying specific information about the entities, events, and relationships central to a particular domain of interest.

Unlike traditional approaches to information extraction (IE), LCC's CiceroCustom open-domain extraction system extracts information with unsurpassed precision and recall without the need for hand-crafted rules or pre-specified extraction templates.

Take control of events. [Screenshot]

Don't settle for someone else's idea of what's relevant. With CiceroCustom, you define the set of roles that are extracted from unstructured texts.

Stop settling. [Screenshot]

Interested in events that involve specific types of entities? Select from one of the 350 different entity types currently deployed in CiceroCustom - go ahead and create your own!

How it Works

CiceroCustom leverages a novel extraction architecture that combines accurate named entity recognition (from LCC's CiceroLite) and event detection techniques with a machine learning framework that allows non-expert users to interactively define extractors "on the fly".

By relying on active learning instead of hand-built extraction templates, CiceroCustom allows users to seamlessly gather a collection of relevant documents, identify events of interest, and assign roles to specific entities all within a matter of minutes and without the need for extensive domain customization.

Live Demo

Unfortunately, we don't have a demo of this application available on the web yet. Visit LCC Labs to browse our current selection of demos.

Integrating other applications with OpenCicero

To integrate CiceroCustom into your natural language processing environment, use OpenCicero.

Hardware / Software Requirements

LCC's CiceroCustom was designed to run on standard hardware. Have questions about whether it'll run in your environment? E-mail us at

  • Minimum Specifications: single-core 2.0 GHz processor , 1 GB of available RAM at run-time.
  • Recommended Specifications: multi-core 2.0 GHz (or better) processor, 2 GB of available RAM.
  • Supported Operating Systems (Desktop Applications): Microsoft Windows (95, 98, XP, Vista), Macintosh OS X, Linux (RedHat, CentOS, Ubuntu, etc.), Solaris.
  • Supported Web Service Protocols: SOAP, REST.

Supported Languages

CiceroCustom is currently available for English, Arabic, and Chinese. Interested in other languages? Contact us at at for an estimate.

For More Information

For more information about the CiceroCustom, call our product support team at (972) 231-0052, or e-mail us at